How To Permanently Kill a Tooth Nerve? 

Last Updated on August 20, 2024 by Mozam Iqbal

The tooth nerve is an important part of the tooth structure. If it’s not functioning properly, it can lead to tooth loss. We’ll talk about how to permanently kill a tooth nerve and the consequences of doing so.

Remember that a tooth nerve is a bundle of nerves. This bundle transmits the sensation of stimuli in teeth and gums to the brain. What happens when these nerves are killed? This might sound like an irreversible process. But it can be done with proper knowledge and technique. A dentist can either invigorate or numb a given area for a certain period of time.

Stick around to read the comprehensive discussion on the process. You will also get to know how long it takes to permanently remove a tooth nerve. 

How to permanently kill a tooth nerve at home? 

If you permanently want to kill a tooth nerve at home and remove a nerve that supplies a tooth that usually lies close to the root in the bone, you need to pull the tooth tactfully and use it the right way. When the tooth is pulled, if it’s done too quickly or roughly, it can damage the nerve. This will cause numbness in the gum line of that particular tooth. It may make it difficult for you to chew or enjoy food. However, it is the easiest way to permanently kill a tooth nerve at home and make you feel relieved instantly without even visiting the doctor. However, if you want to damage the nerve while retaining your teeth, you should simply visit the dentist and ask him to remove the nerve without hurting your tooth. 

If you think that your tooth has been damaged during a procedure, take precautions by consulting your physician and dentists for an x-ray check-up. This will help evaluate if any further treatment is required. The treatment can include removing teeth or gum surgery on a specific area of your mouth.

Certain things can be done at home to alleviate this condition such as applying cold packs on your cheek to relieve pain, adding more ice to lessen swelling, and using medication containing aspirin such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium.

Here’s how to temporarily remove the dental nerve at home.

  • Ice Compress. For 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off, keep the ice on the injured side.
  • Thoroughly wash with salt water.
  • Trying to wash with Listerine
  • Rinsing using hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply Oil of oregano.
  • Keep a bag of peppermint tea.
  • Place Garlic.
  • Use oils of thyme and clove

How does a dentist kill a nerve in your tooth? 

A dentist will access the nerve in your tooth by drilling into it, then use a laser to remove the nerve tissue. This procedure causes the nerve to cease functioning and eventually die.

When a dentist decides that they need to kill a nerve in your tooth, they will use one of two techniques. They will either drill into the nerve (permanent) or freeze it with liquid nitrogen so that it dies.

No matter what procedure the dentist uses to permanently remove a tooth nerve, you are relieved in the end. If you have ever tried killing a tooth at home and you have also approached the dentist, you will find it much more convenient with the dentist as compared to doing it at home. So it is always highly advisable to reach out to the dentist for such services and not practice them at home. 

What kills the nerve in a tooth? 

Teeth’s cut-off nerves cannot grow back after they are removed. Because of this, if one or more teeth are impacted by nerve injury, the nerve must be rebuilt. Before a nerve is restored to the point at which it may resume its regular function, this might occasionally take several surgeries. 

The nerves that ordinarily go through the gum will become dormant when a tooth is covered in germs and cannot receive enough blood flow. The nerve will stop receiving blood flow and become like a nearly dead branch of a tree; the tree will eventually deteriorate and cease to exist. A neuron needs blood to function; it cannot survive without it.

How long does it take for a tooth nerve to die? 

The simple answer to this relies on the many circumstances that a tooth encounters. If the infection is causing the nerve to die, the process will be sluggish and might take years before the nerve is destroyed. However, if the tooth is suddenly knocked out of place as a result of the trauma and the fracture allows germs to enter the pulp chamber directly, the tooth may die quickly. As a result, the length of time it takes for a tooth to become non-vital varies depending on the situation.

It is common for pain to be the main symptom. Depending on the person, the discomfort may be slight in some and unbearably painful in others. The infection causes pressure to build up and irritation to the nerve endings around the tooth, not the dying tooth nerve itself, which is the source of the pain. This can occasionally result in the development of an abscess, a pus-filled pocket that appears as a tiny, uncomfortable swelling along the gum line. The inflammation may extend to the tooth’s surrounding areas if it is not treated promptly.


In this article, we have explained how to permanently remove a tooth nerve. We have focused on two solutions. The first is removing the tooth, causing pain and the second is removing a nerve by visiting your dentist. 

These are the only two treatments to end a toothache permanently and they are tooth removal and root canal removal. Since they do not deal with the underlying problem, which is a dysfunctional nerve, all other treatments will only provide short-term pain alleviation. To relieve pain, the nerve must be treated directly, not simply symptomatically.

There are, however, methods to soothe a sensitive tooth nerve if you’re interested. It’s still worth a shot, whether it works or not.

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