Earnings Disclaimer- We Earn Through Clinics

As you know we “Clinic Near You” are a highly trained organization designed to locate the top ten clinics in each city, we try to facilitate you the best way possible. Note that we only operate in Canada.

We can fully understand the struggle of finding a good clinic for yourself and your family. It can be a really difficult uphill task as the suggestions of people are always controversial and often lead to unsatisfying results. Often you are advised to go to a certain clinic because the person recommending it had a good experience. But it doesn’t apply to the fact that you will meet the same satisfaction standards. Each person’s choice and preference is different than the other. That is why you need to assess and compare clinics yourself. That is where we come in handy.

Ranking The Clinics

Our strategy involves assessing and examining the clinics among various analytic factors. Our highly trained staff includes senior doctors, medical experts, and experienced med. practitioners who scan through all the clinics in a city, compare their performances, evaluate their patient rate, and assess their health recovery report. After which, the clinics are ranked according to their status and thus the list of top ten best clinics in a city is marked. 

These clinics may pay us for their recommendation. As we publish their names to you, they might give us a share of their advertisement.


Apart from ranking the top ten clinics, we work to keep you up to date with all the newly opening clinics too. A clinic cannot be assessed or examined on the basis of the years they are operating from. Often popular and old clinics don’t use new tech for their medical practices. This leads to misguided information and poor diagnosis. 

On the other hand, when a clinic is relatively new, it tries to keep its service better than the others. As their main focus is to increase the number of patients, they try to give the best treatment possible. In conclusion, their services can be much better than already famous clinics. 

We help such clinics by sponsoring them on our websites. It helps them to gain a better patient rate and it becomes a source of earning for us too. Any clinic that wants us to sponsor them on our website can contact us and they are sure to get better popularity and fame.

As we mentioned before that our main aim is your satisfaction and your better health, we try to give you the best and authentic information. Whether you are a patient in search of a good clinic, or you are a doctor/clinic in search of patients, we can bridge the gap for you so both ends meet their required goals and necessities.

In the end, we all need something that fulfills our level of satisfaction and needs. And for that, you need us, “Clinic Near You”.